New Cabri revolutionizes the creation of mathematical educational content
This Cabri software tool is an instinctive and straightforward environment for creating live learning objects, independent micro-worlds, interactive MOOCs or stand-alone educational apps.

New Cabri is more than software,
it’s a powerful tool for creating educational content
No programming required
New Cabri allows teachers to create interactive activities in a matter of minutes, without expertise.
Interactive and self-corrective activities
Teachers imagine, create activities or adjust them to the needs of their students.
Many tools
to work all mathematics (Algebra, Graphical Functions, Plane Geometry, Geometry in Space, Statistics, Trigonometry, etc.).
Tools to evaluate students and track their results, such as the creation of multiple choice quizzes
An accompaniment by the Cabri team which helps you and guides you in your educational creations
A compatibility on all types of media systems, including computers, multimedia tablets
Select your plan
Exists for Windows and Mac.
New Cabri is offered under different licenses:
1 year
- 40 students, 1 teacher and 1 author + half-day online self-training
- 40 students, 1 teacher and 1 author + half-day online self-training
To purchase New Cabri, download this order form and return it to
System requirements
To use New Cabri, users must have a computer with the following minimum requirement:
PC | Mac |
Requires Win Vista, 7 or higher |
Mac OS X 10.3 or higher
We support you in your educational project
Cabrilog offers training for teachers who want to master all the features of New Cabri.
To purchase New Cabri, download this order form and return it to
Contact us
We will be happy to answer your questions and comments.
You can also contact us by mail:
CABRILOG SAS 122 avenue du Vercors 38600 Fontaine FRANCE
Cabrilog also answers you by:
+33 (0) 4 76 43 97 00
And Fax
+33 (0) 4 76 86 17 90.
* Office hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.30am to 12pm (France hours).
Attention: the standard is closed on Tuesday all day.
Legal information
The company CABRILOG SAS (referred to hereinafter as “CABRILOG SAS”) conducts business activities involving the design, development, publishing, distribution and maintenance of “dynamic geometry” software based on Cabri technology, intended for teaching and training.
CABRILOG SAS is owner of the Internet site, referred to hereinafter as “Site”.
The purpose of Site is to present user the products and services marketed by CABRILOG SAS and to offer on-line sales of such products and services.Access and use of Site are subject to the terms and conditions appearing hereinafter and to the laws currently in force. In accessing Site, the user accepts said terms and conditions without limitation or reservation.
Identification of the company CABRILOG SAS
Registered office: Allée du Château, Cumane, 38160 Saint Sauveur, France
Legal status: Société par Actions Simplifiées (Limited Company) with capital of €84,320, appearing in the Companies Register (RCS) of Grenoble, France, as company number SIREN 429695513.
Mailing address: 122 avenue du Vercors, 38600 Fontaine, France
Tel.: +33 476-43-9700 / Fax: +33 476-86-1790
E-mail addresses: / Technical services: / Sales:
Intra-EC VAT no.: FR07429695513
Limits of Liability
CABRILOG SAS give no guarantee with respect to the availability or accessibility of Site or to the absence of viruses.
CABRILOG SAS may not be held liable for any damage that may occur as a result of fraudulent intrusion by a third party causing information appearing on Site to be modified.
Site is made available on an “as-is” basis without any further guarantee. Accordingly, CABRILOG SAS give no guarantee as to the commercial value of Site, the satisfaction of the user or the ability of Site to meet specific user requirements. CABRILOG SAS may not be held liable for any temporary or permanent damage sustained by user’s computer system or for any loss or damage (including but not limited to loss of data or profits) that may occur subsequent to access or navigation on Site or to utilisation of information contained on Site.
Information regarding prices and the availability of products and services appearing on Site is provided for reference only and is subject to change.
Links to other Web sites
Site displays links to third-party Web sites. CABRILOG SAS has no control over such sites or over their activities and declines all liability regarding their content.
Freedom of information
Site may be freely consulted without prior identification. CABRILOG SAS collects no personal data except for contact details in the event that general, sales or technical information is requested. Pursuant to French Freedom of Information Act 78-17 of 6 January 1978, Site users have the right to access, rectify and remove information concerning them. To exercise said right or to oppose data being disclosed to a third party, Site users may write to CABRILOG SAS (via post, fax or email)
Court Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
The terms and conditions applicable to use of Site are subject to French law.
Any dispute in connection with the CABRILOG SAS Internet Site, including those involving third-party proceedings or multiple respondents, shall be referred to the sole jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Grenoble (38, France).
Intellectual Property
The components and structure of Site are protected under design and model rights, copyright and trademark rights. Accordingly, it is strictly prohibited, except with prior written authorisation from CABRILOG SAS:
1) to download or modify all or part of Site;
2) to use Site or the contents thereof (referenced products, descriptions, prices, download or copy of data on behalf of another retailer, use of data, software, sound clips, graphics, images, texts, photographs, tools) for sale, commercial or non-commercial purposes or otherwise;
3) to reproduce, copy, sell or utilise all or part of Site for commercial purposes;
4) to utilise techniques enabling the copying of a trademark, logo or any other information (specifically images, texts, layouts);
5) to use meta tags or any other “hidden” text containing Seller’s name, trademark or logo.
CABRI GEOMETRE, CABRI, CABRILOG are registered trademarks of CABRILOG SAS. The use of said marks by third parties without prior written authorisation from CABRILOG SAS is strictly prohibited. Product names, services and companies appearing on Site may be registered trademarks of third parties and are protected as such under intellectual property law.
Any rights that have not been expressly granted are reserved by CABRILOG SAS.
Copyright 2007 CABRILOG SAS
CABRILOG SAS is engaged in the design, development, editing, distribution and maintenance of « dynamic geometry » software, based on Cabri technology and designed for teaching and training purposes.
CABRILOG SAS sells the user licences for its software, via Internet, facsimile, post or electronic mail.
These General Terms of Sale are applicable to sales made via CABRILOG SAS’s Internet site.
Company: the company CABRILOG SAS
Internet Site: the Company’s Internet site
Client: Any natural persons or legal entities who order one or more of the Company’s Products whether or not in connection with their professional activity.
Product / Products: the user licence or licences offered for sale on the Company’s Internet Site.
General Terms: all the provisions comprising these general terms of sale which apply to any order placed with the Company.
Box Format: Product supplied in a box containing one (1) CD-ROM with all the files for the software for which the user licence is sold.
Electronic Format: Product supplied in the form of a file that can be downloaded from the Internet Site.
Opposability of the General Terms
The fact of placing an order implies the Client’s full and unconditional acceptance of these General Terms. Any conflicting condition laid down by the Client, unless expressly accepted, shall not be opposable to the Company regardless of the time at which the Company may have been informed of such condition. The fact that the Company does not at any given time enforce any one of these General Terms shall not be construed as waiving the right to subsequently enforce any one of the said terms. The Company reserves the right to adapt or modify the General Terms. In the event of modification, the General Terms applied to any order shall be the General Terms in force on the day on which the order is placed.
Legal capacity
The Client declares that it possesses the capacity to enter into the present contract, the General Terms of which are presented hereafter, that is to say, for natural persons, that he/she is of legal age and not under guardianship or trusteeship.
Choice of the Products
The Client declares that it possesses the capacity to enter into the present contract, the General Terms of which are presented hereafter, that is to say, for natural persons, that he/she is of legal age and not under guardianship or trusteeship. Choice of the Products The Client is alone responsible for the choice of the Product and its appropriateness for the Client’s needs. The Company assumes no responsibility in this respect. It is incumbent upon the Client to ask the Company for any additional information and details concerning the characteristics of the Product or its use. After the Client has obtained information on the Products marketed by the Company and verified that they are compatible with the Client’s other equipment (hardware, software, configurations, etc.) and with the needs that it has determined, the Client records its order under its own responsibility. The Company shall not under any circumstances be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, of any nature whatsoever, related to the use of or impossibility to use the Product sold. The Client can choose to order the Product in Box Format and/or in Electronic Format.
Order – Formation of the contract
At the time of the recording of the order placed on the Internet Site, a page entitled «Confirmation » is displayed enabling the Client to verify/change the details of its order and verify the total price. The Client confirms the order by clicking the « Confirm the order » button at the bottom of the page. This gives access to the Internet Site page where the order can be definitively confirmed through payment. After payment, the Client receives confirmation of the recording of its order from the Company (by e‑mail). We advise the Client to keep a copy of this e‑mail as proof of its order.
Price, payment and invoicing
The prices are quoted and invoiced as follows:
– prices of the Products in euros excluding VAT
– carriage charges excluding VAT
– VAT amount
– order amount including VAT.
The Company reserves the right to change its prices at any time and undertakes to charge the prices in force at the time of the Client’s order. Any change in the VAT rate will be passed on to the Product price including VAT. In the case of Products supplied to a Client outside the European Union, the price stated on the invoice will be calculated excluding VAT. Each Client is responsible for declaring and paying the VAT, customs duties, local taxes, import duties or other state tax payable in its own country. These duties and sums are not the responsibility of the Company. Orders placed via the Internet Site are payable by credit card. For Box Format orders, the invoice is sent to the Client with the Product. For Electronic Format orders, the confirmation mail serves as invoice.
Carriage charges and delivery times
The Products ordered in Box Format will be delivered to the address given by the Client during the order process, within twenty 20 days following the payment of the order. The delivery time given above is an average time depending on the destination, the method of delivery and the availability of the Product. The Company shall not be liable for the payment of any damages in the event of the above time being exceeded. The Company reserves the right to choose the carrier and guarantees the delivery of the Products. The Company will invoice the Client for the carriage charges.
Geographical zone of delivery
The Company delivers the Products in Box Format to all countries served by the international postal services. The Company delivers the Product in Electronic Format anywhere where the full downloading of the files is possible via the network.
Verification of the Products in Box Format
It is up to the Client to verify the state of the packaging of the Products supplied in Box Format and to make sure that they conform to the order placed. The Client must report any conspicuous defect or the non conformity of the Products supplied in Box Format within five (5) working days from the date of the Client’s receipt of the Products:
– either by e mail to:
– or by recorded delivery letter with acknowledgement of receipt requested sent to the following address: CABRILOG, 122 avenue du Vercors, 38600 Fontaine – FRANCE. The date of postmark shall be proof of dispatch date.
If no claim is made within the above mentioned time limit, the Products supplied in Box Format shall be deemed to conform to the order and to have been accepted by the Client. No Product shall be exchanged before having been returned to the Company and accepted by the latter, in good condition, in the same state as dispatched by the Company. In particular, the Product must not have been unsealed.
Cancellation time
In accordance with the law, the Client is allowed seven (7) clear days, as from the date of receipt of its order, in which to cancel its order. During that time, the Client may, at its own expense and without any penalties, return any Product or Products that it does not find suitable. The Client may then choose between either returning the Product or Products and being reimbursed for the amount paid, or exchanging the Product or Products ordered. It is understood that the Product or Products returned at the expense of the Client must be in good condition, in the state as supplied by the Company.
Due to their duplicable nature, the software must be returned sealed or in its original packaging. Failing that, no exchange or reimbursement shall be made, unless the Client has proved that the Product contains a defect as specified by the article “Legal guarantee and after sale service” of these General Terms. Product returns must necessarily be made to the postal address given in the article “Legal guarantee and after sale service”.
Legal guarantee and after sale service
In accordance with articles 1641 et sqq of the French Civil Code, the Client shall be covered by the statutory guarantee against concealed defects. Thus, in the event of a manufacturing defect in the Product making it unfit for the use for which it was intended, the Client may apply to the Company’s after sale service:
– either by sending an e mail to:
– or by sending a recorded delivery letter with acknowledgement of receipt requested to the Company at the following address: CABRILOG,122 avenue du Vercors, 38600 Fontaine – FRANCE.
The Client will then have the option of choosing between returning the Product and being reimbursed for the price, or keeping the Product and being reimbursed for part of the price. If the Client chooses to return the Product, the cost of the return will be paid by the Company on the basis of the original method of delivery. The Client acknowledges that the Company has duly fulfilled its obligation of information.
Transaction security
Payment for purchases on line shall be made by credit card via the site of the Société Générale by means of automatic forwarding from the Internet Site to the site of the Société Générale. In this way, no bank details concerning the Client transit via the Company. So as to optimise the security of the transactions on Internet, a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) on line payment system encrypts the Client’s credit card details.
NB: in the event of the Client using a browser that is not compatible with the SSL system, the transaction will not be possible.
Right of title
The Company retains full ownership of the Products sold until full and complete payment of the price, including charges and taxes. The mere presentation of an order to pay shall not constitute payment. The above provisions shall not debar the transfer to the Client of the risks of loss of or damage. Should the Client fail to pay the full price, including charges and taxes, the Company shall be entitled to demand the return of the goods delivered. Any expenses incurred in such returns shall be payable by the Client.
Software, guarantees and obligations
The software for which the user licence is sold on the Internet Site is guaranteed by its author, in accordance with the terms laid down in its documentation. The Company cannot give any guarantee whatever on the software and in particular on any defects or bugs. After complete payment of the price, and except for any contradicting clauses included in the licence attached to the Product, the Client shall be granted a non transferable personal user licence for the software for an unlimited time exclusive of any right of ownership. In accordance with the legal and statutory provisions in force, the Client shall refrain from copying the software other than as authorized by law and from performing any act liable to undermine the rights of the authors, their assignees or the Company.
The use of the Product is subject to the Client’s prior acceptance of the text of the user licence attached to the Product in paper format in the case of the Box Format and in the form of a computer file in the case of the Electronic Format.
By express agreement, the installation of the software on a computer shall constitute unconditional acceptance of the attached user licence.
Nominative information
In accordance with law no. 78 17 of 6 January 1978 relative to data processing and freedom, the information requested from the Client is necessary for the processing of the Client’s order and is solely for the use of the Company. The Client has right of access to the information concerning it. Upon request, this information can be communicated to the Client and, in the event of error or of modification, can be rectified. The Client can also prevent the communication of this information to any third party by making a request to the Company in writing.
Force majeure
The Company disclaims all responsibility for any failure to fulfil its contractual obligations in the event of a force majeure or chance event, including, but not limited to, disasters, fires, strikes within or outside the Company, failures or breakdowns within or outside the Company, and in general any event preventing the satisfactory execution of the orders.
Identification of the Company
CABRILOG, a French « société par actions simplifiée » with a capital of 84.480 euros
Registered office: allée du Château, Cumane, 38160 Saint Sauveur – FRANCE Registered with the Trade Register of Grenoble under the number 429 695 513
Offices: 122 avenue du Vercors, 38600 Fontaine – FRANCE.
Electronic address:
Entire rights and obligations
The General Terms and related headings (order, security, payment, delivery, guarantee, after sale service) constitute the entire rights and obligations of the Company and of the Client concerning the orders of Products on the Internet Site. No general or special term communicated by the Client shall be integrated into the General Terms. If one of the clauses of the General Terms is declared to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable by a court for any reason whatsoever, this clause shall be deemed to be dissociated from the other clauses and shall in no way affect the validity or opposability of the other clauses.
Applicable law – Litigation
The General Terms shall be governed by French law. In the event of any dispute in connection with the interpretation or performance of any of the provisions of the General Terms and should the Company and the Client fail to come to an amicable agreement, the dispute shall be referred to the French courts.
The components and structure of Site are protected under design and model rights, copyright and trademark rights. Accordingly, it is strictly prohibited, except with prior written authorisation from CABRILOG SAS:
- to download or modify all or part of Site;
- to use Site or the contents thereof (referenced products, descriptions, prices, download or copy of data on behalf of another retailer, use of data, software, sound clips, graphics, images, texts, photographs, tools) for sale, commercial or non-commercial purposes or otherwise;
- to reproduce, copy, sell or utilise all or part of Site for commercial purposes;
- to utilise techniques enabling the copying of a trademark, logo or any other information (specifically images, texts, layouts);
- to use meta tags or any other “hidden” text containing Seller’s name, trademark or logo.
CABRI, CABRI GEOMETRE and CABRI GEOMETRY are trademarks of Texas Instruments and are used under license. CABRILOG is a registered trademark of CABRILOG SAS. The use of said marks by third parties without prior written authorisation from their respective owner is strictly prohibited. Product names, services and companies appearing on Site may be registered trademarks of third parties and are protected as such under intellectual property law.
Any rights that have not been expressly granted are reserved by CABRILOG SAS.
Cabri Express terms of use
Cabri Express License
Cabrilog SAS (hereinafter “Cabrilog”) hereby grants you as a licensee of the application (hereinafter “the licensee”) a right of use and not a right of ownership whatever it might be of the Cabri Express application (hereinafter “the application”) to be used online or offline, as well of its associated documentation.
These terms and conditions are intended to define the terms of use of the application Cabri Express. Some features of the application are offered as complements to those of the free version as addendums (see below).
By using the Cabri Express application, you agree in full to the terms and conditions of this agreement.
Cabri Express: Software application for teaching and learning mathematics;
Cabrilog SAS: Company owner of Cabri Express, holding all the intellectual property rights of the application;
Licensee: Person physical (eg student, teacher, school counselor, author of educational content, …) using the application Cabri Express;
Storage space: Area on a server, possibly allowing a user of Cabri Express to save documents created during a session with Cabri Express and to re-open later;
Evaluation module: Type of usage of Cabri Express allowing the automatic evaluation of the activity of an individual student or of a class;
Author module: Type of usage of Cabri allowing access to all the offered functionalities (of dynamic mathematics and evaluation), in particular for the creation of highly interactive activities and possibly evaluable automatically by the user himself or a teacher;
FREE individual license: free license allowing the use of Cabri in an individual setting at home or in class as long as it is not generalized to the entire school concerned.
Some Cabri Express features such as storage and evaluation capabilities may be limited under such license;
PAY license (academic, institutional, publication of contents,…): pay license to be used in academic, institutional or for the publication of contents, allowing the use of extended functionalities, possibly without limitations, offered within the framework of the Cabri Express application.
Such license may be governed by additional license agreements to this general license agreement. Further details on Cabri Express’s non-free licenses can be obtained by visiting or by emailing at
Using Cabri Express
As stated in the preamble, the use of the Cabri Express application and accompanying tools or documentation is subject to the unrestricted acceptance of the terms of this document. The application allows you to access a mathematical kit integrating a scientific and graphical calculator, an equation editor, a dynamic geometry constructions editor, features for evaluation of the mathematical activity of the user, in the form of a dynamic mathematical environment.
Cabri Express can contain information, data, texts, videos, written messages and comments, graphics and interactive animations called “contents”. The use, reproduction, modification, distribution or storage of such contents for purposes other than the use of the application under the terms of the license is expressly prohibited. The licensee, in the case of a free license, is therefore not authorized to sell, use or otherwise exploit such contents, in particular for purposes likely to generate revenue.
Obligations of the licensee
The constituent elements of Cabri Express (animations, interactive exercises, brands, graphics, etc.) are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and copyright as well as by all applicable international standards.
Cabrilog does not grant licensees any other right than to use Cabri Express for the aforementioned purposes. As a result, the licensees are forbidden :
• to broadcast the content of Cabri Express (executable, activities) by any means whatsoever, for any purpose likely to generate revenue;
• To download Cabri Express other than in the cases authorized by Cabrilog and, more generally, to exploit and / or use all or part of the elements of the software by any means and in any form whatsoever for any purpose other than those expressly authorized.
In the case of paper-based or 3D printing, the licensee guarantees that all the information appearing on the printed content relating to the protection of rights will be reproduced without modifications. These prints may be used, in the case of a free license, only by the licensee for personal purposes for its own private use to the exclusion of all others and may in no case be disseminated to not allowed third parties.
Any use of the contents of Cabri Express or any of its elements contrary to the present ones will incur the responsibility of the licensee in particular with respect to Cabrilog, and will likely expose her or him to penal sanctions.
Any reverse engineering action involving Cabri Express is expressly deemed unlawful.
In addition, in case of violation by the licensee of any of the clauses of this license, Cabrilog will be entitled by law and without notice to suspend the licensee’s access to Cabri Express.
Cabrilog’s responsibility can not be investigated for failures caused by any event, in particular due to possible network congestion (internet or local) or even if the equipment and connections of the licensee are defective, not compatible or technically insufficient or unsuitable for this type of exploitation.
Similarly, it is up to the licensee to ensure that the filtering and/or protection devices that she has put in place do not prevent access to Cabri Express, nor the operation of the application.
Cabrilog strives to ensure to the best of its ability the accuracy and updating of the information contained in the application which it reserves the right to correction, at any time and without notice.
Cabrilog also reserves the right at any time to discontinue, temporarily or permanently the application with or without notice. It is agreed that Cabrilog is not liable to you or any third party for any modification, suspension, termination or discontinuance of the service.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any new features that extend or enhance Cabri Express, including the release of new tools and resources, may be added to the application and made available to you, possibly as a paid extension.
Cabrilog may, at its sole discretion, modify the features of Cabri Express without notice.
Cabrilog does not guarantee that the application will meet your needs, or that the application will run without interruption or error free.
Consequently, Cabrilog declines any responsibility:
• for any occurrence of bugs or other event rendering Cabri Express unsuitable for its use;
• for any inaccuracy or omission concerning the information available in the Cabri Express application;
• and more generally for any direct or indirect damage, whatever the cause or nature, resulting from the consultation and use of Cabri Express.
Property / Intellectual Rights
Cabrilog retains ownership of all property rights of Cabri Express. This license does not grant any intellectual property rights to the licensee.
These conditions may be modified in accordance with a possible evolution of the application Cabri Express. Also the licensee is invited to consult these conditions regularly. Continued continued use of the Cabri Express application as a result of any amendment to these terms of use is equivalent to their acceptance.
Contact information
All notices and other correspondence should be sent to the following address:
Cabrilog SAS
122 Avenue du Vercors
38600 Fontaine
or via e-mail, at
Applicable Law – Litigation
This license is governed by French law. Any dispute that may arise between Cabrilog and the licensee comes under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Grenoble (France).
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